14 February 2022

Austrian Apricot Cake (Cake de damascos)


I had two recipes ready but I didn't know which post first, I finally chose the apricot one because it is new for those from the northern hemisphere who are waiting for their spring.

 I know you have had a lot of snow and cold  time but the good weather will come.

There were quite a few apricots this year but as you know it's a short season so the first thing I made was jam and then this apricot cake which was delicious.

I hope you can make this recipe, you can also make it with peaches or other fruit you like.

Source : halfcupmeasure.com

homemade apricots jam

 Austrian apricot Cake


8 fresh apricots (or canned apricots)

1/2 cup butter room temperature

1 cup granulated sugar

3 large eggs separated

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 teaspoons lemon zest

pinch of salt

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour

1/4 icing sugar for dusting

Apricot glaze

1/4 cup apricot jam

1 tablespoon of water


Preheat oven to 180°c (350° F) and line a square  baking pan with parchmente paper ( leave some hanging over the side for easy removal.)

Wash and remove the pits from eight  ripe apricots . Set aside.

Or use canned apricots

In a large bowl beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

Add the eggs yolks, one at a time scrapíng down the bowl between additions .

Beat in the vanilla and lemon zest.

In another bowl add the egg whites and pinch of salt. Whip until stiff peaks form .

Add the flour to the egg yolk mixture, folding until just incorporated.

Add the one third of the egg whites folding vigorously.

Add the remaining   egg whites and fold gently until just incorporated.

Spread batter evenly in the prepared  baking pan.

Top with apricot halves. Do not press the fruit into the batter, the cake will rise  around it.

Bake about 40 minutes or until the cake is golden and springs back.

For extra aprricot flavour brush the apricots with warm apricot glaze when  the cake comes out of the oven.

To make the glaze warm the apricots jam with the water  and  brush on the fruit with a pastry brush,

Allow the cake to cool, then dust with icing sugar before cutting and serving.

print here

Cake de damascos


home made apricot jam

Our apricots tree


  1. This looks so good. Happy Valentine's Day Gloria!

  2. One of my favourites! Can't wait for the apricot season arrive over here!

  3. wow, this looks like a nice cake to try. fresh apricots are pricy but can use canned as u suggested.

  4. Buonissima! Faccio qualcosa di simile con i frutti di bosco. Buona giornata Gloria, un bacio

  5. Cara Gloria, sforni sempre delle irresistibili bontà!
    Mi viene voglia di rubarne un quadrotto ;)
    Buona giornata!

  6. Deliziosa! Questa torta la farò sicuramente appena avremo le albicocche :)
    Buona giornata e un grande abbraccio

    1. Grazzie Dani adoro le albicocche, delizioso!!

  7. I love apricot pastries! I think your idea of brushing the cake with a glaze of jam is a brilliant idea.

    1. I love apricots too Jeff, yes I love this recipe!!!

  8. Che fortuna avere l'albero di albicocche. Adoro le albicocche. Questa torta sa proprio di buono e di casa. Una vera coccola

    1. We love apricots and I make jam always but this year I try some recipes with them!

  9. Our apricot season starts between June and July. This cake looks fingerlickingly delicious. I am sure It goes well with our tra-break times. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I hope you make this recipe when you have apricots Im sure you willlove it!

    1. It is very heavy snowing here dear Gloria! AFter the April month our apricot season will start. I would like to try this recipe.

  11. Gloria, Must be nice to have an apricot tree! We do eat apricot jam fairly often and we really like it. Lovely cake...moist and sweet without being too sweet. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  12. Vorrei tanto averne una fetta qui davanti, in questo momento!!
    Un bacione

  13. Apricots are so delicious and you cake looks wonderful, Gloria. Good, fresh apricots are hard to find here. Peaches and nectarines are more plentiful. But in a can always. How lucky you are to have your own tree!! Hugs. ♥

    1. Yes I love apricot and I know sometimes is difficult find in some places and for this I think you can make with tin apricots someones are delicious- Hugs!!!

  14. Adoro questo dolce, grazie della golosa ricetta!!!

  15. Yum yum this just makes my mouth water. Hope all is well in your part of the world. Take care Diane

  16. This looks delicious Gloria, many thanks for sharing the recipe.

    It's almost the weekend, the week has zoomed by!
    I wish you a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan and thanks for stopping by! have a nice weekend!

  17. Nous sommes encore en hiver mais ton gâteau est possible avec des abricots en conserve. Il semble délicieux.
    A bientôt

  18. Now I know that you're on the other side of the globe, we haven't seen apricots in months. The cake looks amazing!!!

    1. Yes Amalia but I was thinking you will have spring and summer soon !!

  19. I know I would love this cake, Gloria! Cakes like this were my favorite when I lived in Germany. I can’t wait to try it.

  20. Yes we are waiting for spring in the northern hemisphere! I love a dessert that has fruit and I have some small canned pears that I think would work in this!

    1. Thanks so much Inger, yes I think here work any canned fruits

  21. The halved apricots look delicious on top!

  22. Oh, how I adore apricots and apricot desserts! Your cake looks fantastic!! It's rare to find sweet fresh apricots here, but I bet it's still delicious with canned! xoxo

  23. I don't know why I don't make apricot desserts more often. This cake looks incredible, Gloria!

  24. You apricot desserts look delicious. I love apricot jam and have it on toast regularly. thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

  25. Oh, Gloria! This looks super delicious. I love apricot anything.

  26. This is my father's favorite cake. I will make it for him trying your recipe. Thanks for sharing it, dear Gloria.

  27. great your post. thanks for sharing

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