A lot of you know how I love berries, well here other berries dessert in a chocolate' roulade, I had only a few raspberries so I used a mix with blackberries but was so good and delicious.
I garnish with whip cream and mint leaves but you may put what you like, some berries, pieces of chocolates etc. You may use fresh or freeze berries)
1 cup of flour
4 eggs
1 cup of sugar
60 grs. hard chocolate to melted
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate
1 pinch of salt
2 tablespoon of water
2 cups of berries (raspberries or blackberries how you like)>
1 1/2 cups of whipped cream
3 tablespoon of caster sugar( or Splenda)
Preheat the oven to medium heat about 180 C.
Prepare a oven tray with a greased or parchment paper.
Whisk the whites eggs with a pinch of salt until they form soft peaks, then add the yolks and beat and slowly the sugar until is dissolved.
Now add the flour, baking powder and vanilla to the batter with a metal spoon slowly.
Melted the chocolate in a bowl over a pan with water, to bain marie until is melted.Cut the fire and let chill.
Add the bicarbonate and the spoonfuls of water and mix well until is homogeneous, and incorporate this to the batter of eggs and flour.
Empty over the parchment in the oven tray.
Baked by 15 minutes or until the cake is sponge.
Take out the oven invert it onto the cake over a towel kitchen powdered with caster sugar .
To separate the paper from the cake moist the paper with a brush with water and retire. Wrap with the towel kitchen and reserve.
Whipp the cream firm and add the caster sugar. In a pan heat the berries with a little sugar and 1 teaspoon of corn meal dissolved in a 1/3 of cup of water. Mix well.
Open the roulade carefully and spread first the whipped cream and then spread the mix of berries. With carefully roll again and place in a large dish and let at the fridge.
When you are going to serve, garnish with whipp cream, mint leaves or berries.
Rollo de chocolate con berries y crema
Los que me conocen sabe que me encantan las berries (frambuesas,moras o fresas) asì que tengo otro postre con berries, y con chocolate, no he hecho muchas recetas con chocolate.
1 taza de harina (250 grs.)
4 huevos
1 taza de azùcar
1 cucharadita de vanilla
60 grs, de chocolate en trozos
1/2 cucharadita de polvos de hornear
2 cucharadas de agua
1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato
Para rellenar
1 taza y 1/2 de nata montada (con azùcar al gusto)
2 tazas de berries /frambuesas y moras u otras.
Las berries pueden frescas o congeladas
3 cucharadas de azucar glass ( o splenda)
1 cucharadita de harina de maiz disuelta en agua
azùcar para las berries
Precalentar el horno a 180º C. Colocar un papel engrasado o mantequilla sobre la lata del horno para colocar el cake.
Calentar el chocolate a baño marìa en un cuenco sobre una olla para derretir suavemente, hasta que se funda. Retirar del fuego.
Batir las claras a punto de nieve con una pizca de sal y cuando esten firmes agregar las yemas, batiendo suavemente, agregar de a poco el azùcar hasta que el azùcar se haya disuelto, añadir la vainilla y revolver. Incorporar con una cuchara de metal la harina y los polvos de hornear uniendo suavemente.
Agregar al chocolate derretido el agua y el bicarbonato, unir bien hasta que la mezcla quede homogènea e incorporela a la mezcla de harina y huevos.
Vertir la preparaciòn en la lata del horno sobre el papel engrasado.
Hornear durante 15 minutos o hasta que el bizcocho estè esponjoso, vuelquelo sobre un paño limpio o toalla de cocina espolvoreado con azucar glass.
Humedezcalo con una brocha por el lado del papel para que sea màs fàcil retirar.
Enrolle ayudandose con el paño de cocina.Dejelo por un rato.
Mientras bata firme la nata y agregue el azùcar. Reserve.En una ollita colocar las berries con un poco de agua y azùcar y agregar la cucharadita de maicena disuelta en agua, revolver y cocinar un poco y apagar el fuego.
Abrir el bizcocho y extender la nata con cuidado agregar las berries y enrollar con cuidado llevar al refrigerador por un rato y despues colocar en un plato fuente,adornar para servir con nata montada, chocolate hojas de menta o berries.
Espolvorear un poco con azucar glass.
Berries y chocolate!? Como siempre, Gloria, te pasaste! Se ve exquisito :)
ReplyDeleteQue tengas un lindo Septiembre
Dear Gloria,
ReplyDeleteHow is my Latin American friend today? I hope you and your family are doing well. How are the twins? Are they in school now? School started here today. I am happy that I am not teaching still. It is nice not to have to do all that teaching high school demands these days.
This chocolate berry dessert looks so good. I'm sure that I would love it.
Have a good day, Hugs, Lura
Canela, you and your blog are absolutely charming. I love the way you write, it is adorable.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your lovely recipes!
cant go wrong with chocolate! Now im craving that sweatness!
ReplyDeletethis looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteBuenos días amiga, voy saliendo al trabajo y pasé a mirarte, un lindo comienzo de día con ese pastel tan lindo.
ReplyDeleteEsta hermoso!
Besos para ti!!!
That looks so good Gloria! I have to agree with hot garlic, I love your blog and your writings too! You are such a sweet lady and it shows in every word you write! (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteUmmmm, ¡esto está exquisito! dirían mis peques y es que... ¿a quién no le gustan el chocolate y las fresas, moras y frambuesas?
ReplyDeleteUn saludo Gloria, y que todo esté bien.
Mi querida amiga Isa, Vas para los Angeles para el 18???? Yo quería ir a ver mi viejito (papá de Gerardo) pero parece que no vamos a poder tiene entrega de proyectos, así que nos quedaremos aquí, a mí no me importa salir amiga pero es que el papá de Gerardo tiene 90 años!!! lo que escuchas, es un amor, yo lo amo!!! Te mando cariños que bueno que te gusto este rollo, no quedó nada!!! xxGloria
ReplyDeleteHi dear Lura How are you dear?? I have to question something, but I will go later to your blog!!! Thanks the childs are in class they have holidays in December!!! Here is summer in this time, they want holidays yah!! of course, cariños amiga, Gloria
Hi Hot Garlic really nice are you, really I love your blog when I visited yesterday and nice recipes too!! I wiil add you at my favorites!!xxxGloria
Lina well Iknow (only a few of course) of persons don't like the chocolate, me? I love specially the smell!! Thanks, Gloria
Thanks J. Danger, really"was" delicious, LOL Gloria
Kako, amiga gracias oir venir, más rato te voy a escribir para contarte las ultimas novedades. Por ahora vamos bien dijo el que se tiró del 10° piso e iba en el 5° sabías ese chiste???? es típico chilean humor!!Gloria
Maries, thanks to passing by dear,youthink dear??? Im blushing sometimes Im worry by my english is not perfect but I try!!Huggs!! Gloria
Gracias mi querida Mado siempre es una legría que pases por aquí, cariños, Gloria
As always Gloria this looks wonderful. So professional. I just would get into such a mess with a roulade. You are very clever.
Thanks dear Granny, really I try to do the best I know!!! xxxxGloria
ReplyDeleteHola Gloria.Oi por la television que había llovido mucho en chile y enseguida me acordé de tí.¿Todo bien?.
ReplyDeleteUn beso
Gloria this looks so delicious!
Karme, que bueno que viniste, te he echado de menos amiga. Sì gracias Dios estamos bien, las peores lluvias han sido haci al sur, tanto que han declarado esa zona como zona de cat+àstrofe, lo terrible es que mucha gente ha perdido sus plantaciones. Aquì en Santiago no ha llovido tanto. Te agradezco por preocuparte y te mando muchos cariños, Gloria
ReplyDeleteThanks Marìa you are so nice, Gloria
Wow, Gloria that roll looks delicious! I love how you mixed chocolate and berries together, that is such a nice summer treat.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm glad your children liked the cookies :) I bet they made a lot of friends at school.
Thanks Adam.
ReplyDeleteAbout the cookies, ji, they eat all here!!! What could I do??? I need a recipe that make and arrive to school, the problem is they eat before!!! xxxxGloria
Adopt me Gloria...I'm coming over. Love the plating...love everything here! xoxox Deeba
ReplyDeleteHola Gloria, qué terrible lo de las lluvias, por acá hay incendios y sequías en algunas zonas, ya vá a cambiar.... tendremos que esforzarnos en conseguir el equilibrio.
ReplyDeleteTu postre de chocolate es música para el alma, que nos acuna cuando estamos tristes el chocolate es un refugio, un placer, una invitación, deliciosos postre. Un abrazo inmenso y que andes bien, esto también pasará .
Te agrego a mis favoritos para no perdete de vista
Dear Deeba happy to adopt you, or you want to be my sister, Dhanggit is my adopt sister too!! Thanks dear, really love this!!!xx
ReplyDeleteQuerida Cibercuoca, sì como mi mamà dice esto pasarà, sinceramente lo creo pero mientras tanto tù sabes que una sufre, asì es la vida.
Es talcual tenìa ganas de hacer algo con chocolate. Super que han tenido sequìas aquì ha llovido mucho en el sur, cierto que al planeta le falta equilibriocomo dirìa la Mafalda??? Te mando muchos cariños tambièn te voy a agregar poprque me encanta ir a verte, Gracias, xxxxxGloria
Gloria this looks wonderful as always :) I just adore berries and chocolate and this looks perfection!!
ReplyDeleteRosie x
Dear Gloria,
ReplyDeleteI just found your comment on my blog. Yes I was adopted at birth like your twins. My mom told me right from the beginning that I was adopted. I think that it is very good that you told your twins from the beginning.
My mom always told me that I was very special because she got to pick me out....she said that other families had to keep what ever baby they were sent but they picked me out of all the other babies out to be theirs.
She also always told me that my birth mother gave me up because she loved me and wanted me to have a better life than she could give me.
I'm sure that you have said the same kind of things to your kids, but maybe you could tell them these things again.
I've taught teenagers for many years. That is just a hard age for many teens because they are trying to discover who they really are. Many teens who are not adopted wish they were at that age.... they do not relate to their parents and struggle.
An adopted child can blame all of her problems on being adopted. It is really just an excuse that she looks for to blame this confusing time of life on. I'm sure that it is just a stage Maria is going through. She is struggling trying to find her identity and wants to blame it on something.
In her heart she knows that you love her and she is lucky to be in your home.
I have wondered what my birth family is like.... especially for medical history.... but it has not been a big part of my life. When I meet my birth mother in heaven some day I will thank her for giving me life and giving me up. I know that she did both out of love.
Good luck my friend with Maria. Be patient. I am sure that this is just a stage she is going through.
Love, Lura
I like it! It's like a little log in the forest with berries growing in it.
ReplyDeleteAhhh - such a great way to use up berries! I love this idea.
Berries and chocolate ..yumm!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your visit to my blog!
Kids DO say the cutest things!!
Que delicia! Ese rollo se ve de pelicula!!!
Dear Rosie, many thanks dear but really you are wonderful to garnish, I love how you make!!! xxGloria
ReplyDeleteDear Lura, many thanks, I appreciate you answer me, is too similar your adop0tion how the twins!!!! Im amazing, I always speak well about her biological mom (and I said this to M.Esperanza the other day) and really I think because she love the twins she give them!! Yes you have reason probably is the age and the teenagers think a lot are confused etc. is a difficult age. Later I will go to your site. hugsss! Gloria
Thanks Emiline, but your....marshmallows I have to make sonn! xxGloria
Thanks dear Darius you are sooo nice! , Gloria
Dear Leslie you are so nice and Love your blog, and think your kid i SO cute!!! blessing him! Thanks Gloria
Paola, estoy tan contenta que hayas vcenido,te extrañaba amiga, fui atu blog y te dejè un mensaje, gracias, Gloria
good for you for tackling a roulade--i'm too intimidated to attempt it myself. it looks like it turned out perfectly, and i'm loving your combination of chocolate and berries! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks dear Grace I love make rosulades, sweet and savoy are so nice and tasty.xGloria
ReplyDeleteComo ya te contó cibercuoca, aquí andamos entre calor y ceniza de incendios. La sequía tiene mal a todo el campo, pero por lo menos ahora está un poco mas fresco y bien nublado.
ReplyDeleteExcelente el comentario de Lura. Espero que te haya servido de apoyo.
Un besote
Alicia A.
I stumbled over from Marie's blog. I love this dish! Looks great!
ReplyDeleteGracias querida Alicia, si yo tambièn lo encontrè bueno, pero sòlo me confirma que es como un prblema de la època que està vviendo enb todo caso te voy a mandar un mail. Cariños
ReplyDeleteThe blounde suck, many thanks to passing by, Im happy to share my recipes, thanks, Gloria
Dear Gloria,
ReplyDeleteThat looks so delicious & inviting! I love how you decorated it. I haven't made chocolate roulade for ages, so thanks for the reminder.
hope you are having a nice week & start of spring,
Gloria, I am in love with this cake!!! Chocolate and berries is such a wonderful combination - you have made my morning.
ReplyDeleteThanks dear Nora you are sooo nice dear and hAPPPY SPRING TO YOU!!! Gloria
ReplyDeleteDear Cakelaw Is true is anice combo how my friend Kevin say, thanks, xxGloria
ReplyDeleteBerries y chocolate siempre es rico! Riquisimo!
ReplyDeleteGracias Clumbsy cookie, Gloria
ReplyDeleteThat rolled cake looks amazing! Chocolate and berries is such a nice combination.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kevin, really like when you say Combo!! is a nice word to food!! I really like berries,xGloria
ReplyDeleteHola Gloria! Oh wow, this looks wonderful! It's so pretty! I like your serving plate, too. My hubby would love to have this! YUM!
ReplyDeleteberries and chocolate..i would love love to taste them :-)! yummy!
ReplyDeleteThe twins are lucky to have such a special mom who bakes these wonderful treats for them:D Berries and chocolate are a match made in heaven:D
ReplyDeleteThnaks dear Paula, makes to your Hubby is soyummy! xGloria
ReplyDeleteDear Dhanggit I know is the type of food you really like!!
Thanks dear Vall, you are so sweet,really it go so fast!! xxGloria
estan ahora las zarzas llenas de moras negras NeGrAs, arrancar y a zampar...
ReplyDeleteUmmm que ricas son!
1 beso.
Si Luis me encantan las moras, ustedes le dicen zarzamoras? porque mi abuelita me cantaba "que tiene la zarzamora que llora y que llora" (ella era asturiana)aquì en el verano tambièn vamos a buscar moras, me gusta hacer dulce de moras!! cariños, Gloria
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice Mom you are to make all these yummy treats for them. And what a nice friend you are to give us the recipe!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks dear Marie, you are so nice, xxGloria
ReplyDeleteCooking really I love berries too!!! xxGloria