11 April 2020

Easter cookies (galletas de Pascua)

And here we are in a strange and uncertain world but perhaps more human. I dont know.
Finally I was able to make my recipe for this Easter last night. I wish you all, really everyone a blessed Easter in all corners of the world.
A hug to all !!

about the recipe:

New for me too and absolutely delicious, it can be done with other designs, I made the cookies and the twins (Esperanza and Gerardo) painted them and it must say they were beautiful. 
Today I took the photos and Voilá ..

Source :   whiskandwonder.com


(about 2 dozen of cookies)

3 cups all purpose flour 
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1  1/4 cups chilled unsalted butter cut into cubes
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
2  eggs yolk
1 tsp vanilla exctract


Sift 3 cups flour, baking powder and salt into a medium sized bowl. Set aside.

Using and electric mixer  beat butter and sugar on high speed until well combined (butter does not need to be fluffy)
Note : you can make by hand too.

Add egg, eggs yolks, and vanilla and beat just to combined.
 Add gradually dry ingredients. Mix until dough comes together.

Separate dough in half and form two smooth discs for rolling.
Roll each disc  to desired thickness between two pieces of lightly floured parchment paper . Continue to flour top of dough so parchment doesnt stick or crease.

Transfer rolled dough to refrigerator to chill for about 1 hour.
When the dough is ready to cut shapes flip chilled dough so floured side is down. This will help cookies release easily.

Cut dough to desired shapes and place on baking sheets pans lined with parchment paper.
Re roll scraps only once to avoid tough cookies. If is needed return to fridge to chill until shapes cut easily. Chill about 20-30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180°c  (325 °F)
Bake until edges are slightly golden, about 12 - 16 minutes.
Let cookies cool slightly on pans then transfer to wire racks to cool completely.

Royal icing for cookies

1 egg white 
2  cups icing sugar 
1/2 teaspoon water
 lemon juice (1 lemon)

In a large bowl combine the sugar, egg white, water and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients together with a wooden spoon until the icing is thickenes and smooth. 
Use immediately or store refrigerated in an airght container or plastic bag since the icing dries out and hardens very quickly.If you want it stiffer for frosting a cake or writing on cookies add more icing sugar until you get the consistency you desire.

print recipe here

Galletas con glace para Pascua de Resurreccion

Antes de ir con la receta:

Quisiera haber publicado antes pero me fue imposible.

Con todos aqui  el dia se me pasa volando ( jamas me aburro) y finalmente anoche las pude hacer y mis hijos las pintaron lo que les agradezco asi que hoy estuvieron listas, les saque fotos y ahora la transcribo.
En todo caso es una receta de galletas que les servira siempre, la pueden hacer en cualquier momento y a los niños les encanta
usen los moldes que tengan igual quedan buenas. 
Despues de hacer estas galletas pensaba : por que compramos galletas? si se que es por el tiempo pero son tan buenas hechas en casa.
Feliz Pascua de Resurreccion a todos 

La receta


3 tazas de harina sin polvos de hornear
1/2 cucharadita polvos de hornear
1/4 cucharadita de sal
 1 1/4 taza de mantequilla bien fría en cubos
1 taza de azúcar
1 huevo entero
2 yemas de huevo
1 cucharadita de vainilla


Cernir las 3 tazas de harina, sal y polvos de hornear en un bowl mediano.Reservar

Con un batidor eléctrico o a mano  batir la mantequilla y azucar hasta que este bien mezclado, unos tres  minutos, que este  un poco cremosa .
Agregar el huevo y las yemas de huevo, luego la vainilla, batir nuevamente. Reducir la velocidad y agregar de a poco la mezcla de harina y polvos de hornear.
Cuando la masa este lista colocar sobre la mesa enharinada y hacer dos discos  que se pueden estirar con papel mantequilla encima , colocar igual un poco de harina en la superficie para que no se pegue el rodillo.
Llevar los discos al refrigerador sobre un plato con papel mantequilla entremedio y dejar por lo menos 1 hora, para que sea mas facil cortar la masa..
Despues de la hora cuando este lista  la masa cortar con los moldes deseados, espolvoreando un poco de harina en la masa.
Los recortes de masa dejarlos aparte y refrigerarlos un poco y de ahi hacer otras figuras con los moldes 
Colocar papel mantequilla sobre las bandejas de horno y colocar las figuras.

Precalentar horno a 180°c .
Hornear hasta que esten ligeramente doradas (alrededor de 12 a 16 minutos) Dejar enfriar las galletas en la lata.
No pasarse del tiempo.
Las galletas se endurecen cuando se enfrian. Estaran bien.

Glacé para galletas

1 clara de huevo
2 tazas de azucar flor 
1 / 2 cucharadita de agua
jugo de  1 limon 


Mezclar en un bowl la clara de huevo, agua y limon y de a poco ir batiendo con cuchara de madera agregando el azucar y revolviendo,
Hasta conseguir una consistencia cremosa y espesa, se le puede agregar mas azucar.
Lo importante es que si no se ocupa inmediatamente guardarla en el refrigerador tapada con un paño de cocina humedo, asi se mantiene hasta el otro dia.
Se pintan las gaelletas y se ponen en bamndejas para dejar secar hasta el otro día.


  1. My husband would love these cookies Gloria. I have to bake them for him.

  2. wow Ain't they just cute and festive! Happy Easter to you too, Gloria.

  3. They will sure brighten up any easter indeed.

  4. Bautiful cookies, Gloria. Fun to see.

  5. Yes, it is a strange world now. Your cookies are beautiful though. And the little hearts and spheres make such pretty decoration!

    1. Thanks Inger, aw the kids make beautiful decoration ! Happy Easter

  6. Ti auguro una serena Pasqua, con la speranza nel cuore che per tutti la normalità ritorni il prima possibile!
    un abbraccio

    1. Grazie cara, anche te, Un abbraccio forte !

  7. Gloria, Love your cute Easter cookies! Food like this helps reassure us in these strange and scary times. Hope you're having a blessed Easter. Stay Well and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Thanks David I was thinking in visit you and know how are you and Laurie.
      Im agree with you some food is really good and help to think in lovely things.Some days my mood is sad especially whe I see the news.
      Tomorrow hubby have to work to office, I hope only by a short time, is impossible dont worry about it!take care

  8. Se ven deliciosas!!....con calma todo pasara!!......Abrazotes, Marcela

  9. Dear Gloria, wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter! Hope all is well!
    Your special Easter cookies must have brought a smile to everyone's face, I am sure, as they look cute and utterly delicious!
    Take care, my friend! And be safe!

  10. Your cookies are almost too pretty to eat, dear Gloria. Happy Easter! And stay safe!

    1. ah Amalia I love pretty food anyway my twins painted these cookies Im proud of them.
      Take care Amalia!!

  11. Las galletas te han quedado bien monas.
    1 saludito

  12. What beautiful cookies. Such pretty colors and I am sure they were very tasty. Hope you had a nice Easter! :)

    Stay safe and healthy!

  13. They are beautiful Gloria!

  14. Sono adorabili ^_^
    Un abbraccio forte

  15. They are adorable, Gloria! You are a wonderful cookie decorator! ♥

    1. Thanks Susan but were my twins who painted these !! I love them!

  16. They turned out beautiful, Gloria! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter ♥

    1. Thanks Theresa hope you are doing well too, hugs!

  17. lovely looking cookies! I hope you had a wonderful Easter.


    1. Thanks Jeff was inside but was nice ! We pray here I love it!
      Hope you are ok and send you hugs!

  18. Bellissimi i biscotti e molto bravi i tuoi aiutanti....... assieme la Pasqua sarà stata fantastica!!!

  19. grazie cara, Un abbraccio anche te

  20. These are beautiful, Gloria - and the twins did such a lovely job with the painting and decoration. I hope you had a lovely (if quiet) Easter.

    1. Thanks David was quiet of course, yes the twins work so well in some things, Esperanza study art and love cook and Gerardo love to help too. Is nice.

  21. Delicious resept! Thank you! Greentings from Finland! Wellcome to my blog - https://ruusu-unelmia.fi

  22. Awww Gloria, these cookies are so cute...I am loving the bunny shape. I hope you had a wonderful Easter...have a great weekend and be safe!

    1. Thanks Juliana I hope you are doing well ! , what hard time, take care and be safe

  23. What gorgeous cookies. I hope you had a great Easter!

  24. Your photographs are so lovely! The cookies seem delicious!

  25. Thanks Laurence, Im glad you like!!

  26. Oh these are SO pretty...and the twins are so clever!
    I bet these are really delicious too...😊😊
    Thank you so much for sharing!!

    Have a lovely day...and stay safe, my dear friend!

    Much love and hugs ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  27. ma sono bellissimi!! è anche un peccato mangiarli da quanto sono belli! auguri di buona Pasqua e speriamo che il prossimo anno sia meglio!

  28. Grazie Andrea ! yes all wait the next year will be best than this we are living ! Un abbraccio

  29. Che bellini Gloria, sono deliziosamente dolci. Speriamo che il mondo impari qualcosa da questa situazione tragica

  30. Speriamo finisca presto tutto Gloria! Ti avevo già detto sui social quanto erano carini i tuoi cookies ma te lo ripeto: bravissima!

    1. Yes Terry still we have to wait nobody know how is all this. Be safe and take care

  31. Hi how are you? how is the covid situation from you?
    I hug you

    1. We are doing well dear Alice until now. The twins one is working at home and the other (Esperanza )is study by line
      My hubby was working here but now they said he has to works some day there in office, Tuesday and Thursday sigh! Hope he will be fine car.
      Un abbraccio anche a te

  32. Complimenti, sono bellisismi!

  33. Cookies looks delicious :-)

  34. These are beautiful, Gloria! They look like they came from a bakery! So fun that your twins pitched in to decorate---you all did a terrific job! Praying your family stays well. xoxo

    1. Thanks dear Lizzy, Really I think they decorated amazing! stay well Lizzy!

  35. Deliziosi questi biscottini! Un bacione a presto :)

  36. These do look yummy.
    Hope you had a nice Easter … not easy in these strange times.

    My good wishes to you and your family.

    All the best Jan

  37. Thanks Jan , yes strange and difficult times, take care Jan

  38. Grazie per la visita cara Gloria, un forte abbraccio!!!

  39. They are so pretty! Your twins did a wonderful job frosting them! I bet they didn't last long.

  40. yes Esperanza always make cookies for Christmas I think she is the best of us in cookies !!!
    thanks dear

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