24 May 2014

Rye bread (pan de centeno)


I really enjoy making bread. 
It is true that sometimes lack the time. 
The best is work the dough  when you are quiet .
I love  put my favorite music , and enjoy baking  when I  have some time.

Sometimes it does, sometimes not. But when the bread is finally  on the oven gives me great pleasure.  
The smell of the oven. 
Bread lukewarm. 
Put butter or jam or honey. 
In any case this is a good recipe and enjoyed it. 


My little Penguin book called simply Breads

Rye bread (Pan de centeno)


225 grams self-raising flour 
450 grams of rye flour 
1 teaspoon salt 
2 teaspoons brown sugar 
1 envelope of dry yeast (10 g)
425 ml of warm water 
2 teaspoons vegetable oil 
1 egg white


Sift the self raising flour into a bowl and add the rye flour, and then  the salt, sugar and yeast.
make a hole in the center and pour the water and oil.

Mix until the dough starts to link and work with hands until it comes off the bowl.

Dump the dough onto a floured counter and knead 10 minutes or until it is homogeneous and elastic.


Make a ball with the dough and place in a greased bowl.
with oil, cover and let rise in a warm place for at least an hour.

 By while grease a baking sheet with oil.

Knead dough ten minutes and make an oval shape put it on the tray and cover with a cloth.

Let it rise for about 40 minutes again.

Preheat oven to 180 ° c.

Beat the egg white with a tablespoon of water in a bowl.
Bring the pan to the oven for 20 minutes, remove and paint with white egg  and  bake for other 20 minutes.
Glaze with egg again and continue bake again  about 20  minutes or until golden brown.
Cool on a wire rack.

Print recipe

En español
Pan centeno

Me encanta hacer pan.
Y realmente lo disfruto.
No lo hago siempre, sólo cuando puedo y estoy tranquila.
A veces se puede a veces no.
Tener tiempo es un lujo ahora:)
(mucha gente encuentra terrible que una se de el tiempo para cocinar)
A mi me mantiene cuerda. Es mi Karma:)
En todo caso cuando está listo me encanta el olor.
La tibieza del pan y pensar si comeremos con mantequilla, palta o mermelada, cuando está recién hecho me lo como  así no mas.
Recomiendo este pan, absolutamente delicioso.


225 gramos de harina con polvos de hornear
450 gramos de harina de centeno
1 cucharadita de sal
2 cucharadita de azúcar rubia
1 sobre de levadura seca
425 ml de agua tibia
2 cucharadita de aceite vegetal
1 clara de huevo para glasear el pan

Tamizar la harina con polvos de hornear en un bol, agregar la harina de centeno e incorporar la sal,el azúcar y la levadura.
Hacer un hoyo en el centro de las harinas y agregar de a poco el aceite y el agua tibia. Mezclar bien hasta que la masa empieze a ligarse y trabajar con las manos hasta que se desprenda del bol.
Volcar la masa en la mesa de cocina enharinada  y amásela unos 10 minutos o hasta que esté homogénea y elástica.
Dele forma de bola y colócala en un bol engrasado con un poco de aceite y déjela leudar en un lugar cálido por lo menos 1 hora.

Engrasar la bandeja del horno u otra, trabajar la masa unos diez minutos más. Dele forma oval o alargada póngala en la bandeja y tápela con un paño de cocina.
Déjela leudar por lo menos unos 40 minutos.
Precalentar el horno a 180°c. Bata la clara de huevo con una cucharada de agua.
Primero llevar al horno por 20 minutos. Retirar y glasear con la clara batida, hornear nuevamente 20 minutos más.
Glasear nuevamente y prosiga con la cocción de 20 minutos o hasta que esté bien dorado en la corteza.
Dejar enfriar en una rejilla.


  1. Replies
    1. I'll take a slice of that, toasted and with jam! Mmmmm....

    2. Thanks Betsy my heart told you will be the first:)

    3. I was folding laundry! Was almost late! haha.

    4. nah you are the only one, maybe all people are sleeping lol

  2. What a wonderful loaf, Gloria! I'd love a thick slice with better...nothing better than homemade bread :)

  3. Hi Gloria. Thanks for stopping by. Wiggy and Bug were happy dogs today, outside. When they came in, they were so tired they went right to sleep.

    Love your bake. Very very nice. Just pulled more bread out of my oven. We use tomorrow, for lunch.

    1. awww Wiggy and Bug are adorables!! And they are tired like kids:)
      I love how you baking your breads always are beautiful!

    2. Thank you for the nice words.

      Today I didn't have to bake because we have leftover. It is a nice break. So today, I paint the movie room we have. It's almost done. Taking a break now.

      Cheers and boogie boogie.

    3. Ah Ivy what nice time you had.I.love when we have leftovers.
      Is the best!
      Enjoy your time an boogie boogie !

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Monique :) really enjoyed this bread

  5. mmmm love some bread...there are restaurants we go to just for the bread...and we like making our own bread as well...sounds delish gloria...

    1. Really I think Brian maybe you make your own bread, and yeah here some restaurants have amazing breads:)

  6. Your bread looks lovely. There is nothing that smells better than bread baking in the oven.

  7. Fresh rye bread sounds wonderful!! blessings, Catherine xo

  8. Love rye! The bread looks great, Gloria.

    1. Thanks Angie I think your breads lool amazing!

  9. Lovely looking loaf - the crumb is perfect!

  10. This looks really good. I've just started making my own bread, in fact I have one baking in the oven now. I hope it turns out as nice as yours!

  11. Lovely treat, Gloria - nearly as nice as our dance! :)

  12. I used to not like rye bread but I really have grown to love it :) this looks really good Gloria!

    1. Yes when we are more Young or Little don't like but I love now too:)

  13. That looks really yummy Gloria…I too love to bake and always can't wait to slice into a freshly baked loaf!

    1. Thanks Jeannie, yes you always bake amazing breads!

  14. Homemade bread is so wonderful. I love the smell, too and when it's still warm it tastes so amazing with butter on it. You make me want to bake bread again soon! :)

    Thank you so much for your big compliments on my photography! You are so sweet! I'd love explaining the way I take pictures to you :)

    1. Thanks Beate Im sure you are an amazing bread and Keith love it! :)
      I will ask you some things dear, thanks so much!

  15. Brread using self raising flour is new to me i love rye, and this bread looks so good.

    1. Finla is the first time I used raising flour in bread but was so good:)

  16. Gloria, We rarely bake bread or even keep much of it in the house. I'm a sandwich freak and I'd gain a lot of weight if we did much baking. However, I'm hungry now that I've seen your great looking rye bread! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. ha David I know you love sándwich ! :)
      But is nice make bread at home:)
      thanks for coming!

  17. Hi Gloria, I like your bread! It sounds so good. I can imagine eating this bread with jam and a very good better.
    Thank you so much for this nice recipe.

    1. Merci beaucoup Chantal we.love this bread here:)

  18. Que rico pan de centeno Gloria! me apunto la receta, tiene que estar delicioso. Besos

  19. I'm with you. Eating homemade bread is wonderful, and baking it is truly a joy!

  20. I love rye bread Gloria, you have inspired me! Must get baking this

    1. Thanks Stuart love this bread and hope you enjoy!

  21. Estupendo pan de centeno...
    me ha llamado la atencion que utilices harina con polvos de hornear...
    supongo que ayuda a la esponjosidad del pan...eso tengo que probarlo.

  22. Qué divino el encabezamiento Gloria, me encantó!! Y el pan de centeno, es mi favorito, algún dia subiré mi receta :) Son todas parecidas, pero cada una le pone su toque ¿no? Te quedó fenomenal en todo caso. besitos amiga

  23. Your bread looks delicious! Rye is my husband's favorite, he loves it!

  24. Loovley bread, Gloria. The crust looks perfect. I like using rye too...

    ela h.
    Gray Apron

  25. I love this kind of bread when I eat salmon or oister ...with butter of course !

    1. Im agree I remember a smok salmon we ate in a house of friend and she served with
      Rye bread (she loved baking too) I never forget this meal one of the.most delicious I ate:)

  26. Trying to kill me once more here at your shore lol

    1. Anyway you eat only berries and chiken in your yard
      And you have me bury in the sand!

  27. Lovely texture! A wonderful loaf of bread.



  28. Your rye bread looks delicious! I love putting on music and making bread, too!

    1. Thanks T.W. isn't lovely putting music when you bake?
      And When my daugther was cooking before me I listen hard rock lol
      Ha! That's the music she loves..

  29. ahhh...the smell of fresh,homemade bread is a treat by itself....and this loaf is calling us to bake one and taste its deliciousness....this is unlike other rye breads we have seen...it looks such a light color...that is making us all the more excited to bake it,thanks :-)

  30. Thanks Kumars
    Im happy see you again!

  31. davvero una delizia!!! baciiiiiiiii

  32. mi piace molto il pane di segale, ha proprio un aspetto invitante :) un bacio, buona settimana

  33. Esto me trae gratos recuerdos de mi niñez. Gracias.

    Saludos desde Londres.

  34. Que maravilla de pan amiga. Me encanta hornear, pero cada vez se me hace mas dificil por temas de tiempo.
    Te mando un abrazo grande y espero que tengas una feliz semana.

    1. Te entiendo Nathy es dificil con una pequeña
      Para mi tampoco ha sido facil el ultimo tiempo.
      Que estes bien amiga.

  35. There is nothing better than a warm slice of bread with butter or jam. Yours looks delicious, Gloria!

  36. looks delicious , thanks for sharing Gloria ! un abbracio

  37. Gloria se ve demasiado rico tu pancito! me tomo un trozo

  38. Wow! A spread of jam makes this homebaked bread so perfect.

  39. Nothing like the smell... and taste... of home made bread. Yum. Yum. Yum. I feel sorry for those who cannot eat it!

    1. Yeah Suza breads and cakes are something special like smell Love it:)

  40. I like baking bread too--and it tastes so much better than store bought, doesn't it!

    1. Abdolutely true Inger and made in home better is more natural.Usually now they put a lot of quimicals in bread!

  41. I would love a slice of this, nice and warm with melting butter on top. Delicious! Well done, Gloria. Hope you and your family are well. xoxo

  42. Such a lovely loaf! I'd love a slice of it with some melty butter.

  43. I had one of those breadmakers for a while. Do you know what scared me off? Slicing it! Bread is a lot harder to slice than I realized. I said at the time, "I know where the saying 'the best thing since sliced bread' came from!"

    1. Yes some breads are difficult to make the slices
      But this was so good.Wait for a while to cut the slices
      I cut when was a little warm:)

  44. I've never made rye bread before. It looks tasty Gloria.

  45. It has been ages ago since I have preparedhome made bread, but now- with your amazing recipe- I will.
    Thanks for sharing, Gloria!

    1. Really I love Daniela how I said is something special for me. And I love try new recipes of bread!Thanks dear!

  46. I admire people like you who can bake bread ~ Looks delicious with jam Gloria ~ Have a lovely week ~

  47. Thanks Grace is a really easy jam I made in microwaves!

  48. Hi Gloria,
    Homemade bread is always the best! Yours looks wonderful!
    And I think that a spread of dulce de leche on the bread would be yummy too! :)
    Thanks for linking with CYB!

  49. I wouldn't know how to bake bread to save my life. But I'm good at buying bread and eating it. It looks delicious, Gloria Dear. Now all you need is some blue jam.

  50. Hola Gloria,

    Soy Natalia, Responsable de Comunicación de Paperblog. Tras haber descubierto tu blog, me pongo en contacto contigo para invitarte a conocer el proyecto Paperblog, http://es.paperblog.com, un nuevo servicio de periodismo ciudadano. Paperblog es una plataforma digital que, a modo de revista de blogs, da a conocer los mejores artículos de los blogs inscritos.

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    Recibe un cordial y afectuoso saludo,

  51. I always eat rye or wholewheat bread, never the white one :) And I like lots of different seeds in it too


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