26 October 2013

Chestnut and chocolate Cake (Torta al cioccolato con le castagne)

I love chestnuts récipes, many times ago we had only chestnuts in Winter and when I lived  in the south of Chile always my uncle Miguel send us chestnuts, and my mom made the chestnuts puree (I have someones of her récipes in my label chestnuts)  Now we have frozen chestnuts puree so I make when I find a lovely recipe like this I adapted from a lovely Italian blog  Al Cibo Comestible, Genny has delicious récipes.

 1 mold 18 cm. diameter
100 g. dark chocolate
300 g chestnuts puree
200 g. all purpose flour
100 g sugar
3 eggs
150 g greek yogurt
50 ml oil
50 ml water
2 teaspoon of dry yeast
2 tablespoons of rhum

powdered sugar
whipped cream (optative)

 Melt the chocolate and let cool (I prefer make to bain Marie)
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt  until just firm.
Also fits the eggs yolks with the sugar until they are foamy.
Combine the oil with yogurt and chocolate.
Mix the flour with the yeast, and join it to the mixture along with chestnuts puree,alternating with water.
Add the rhum if you want.
Finally mix well with the whipped whites.
Preheat oven at 170°c
Pour the mixture into the mold (if it the first time you can lightly buttered, otherwise not needed) and bake for 50 minutes. Make the toothpick test, but  the cake will have to remain slightly moist inside.
(All chestnuts cake have to be a little moist)
Leave to cool,sprinkle with icing sugar and serve.
You can serve with whipped cream if you desire:)


En español

Cake con puré de castañas

Adoro el puré de castañas, me trae miles de recuerdos y ya lo he comentado aquí hace muchos años mio tio Miguel que vivía en Yumbel (hermano de mi abuelita Chela) tenían un campo en que nos mandaba sacos de castañas, mi abuelita le repartía a mi mamá y las dos hacían cosas maravillosas con castañas, igual las comíamos tibias recién cocidas, o sea que cuando veo recetas de castañas tengo que hacerla!
Más de alguno dirá pero ahora no tenemos castañas (estamos en Primavera en Chile) déjenme decirles que hace mucho tiempo que no he comprado castañas , aquí en Santiago son carísimas y no siempre hay. pero hay puré congelado de castañas todo el tiempo, y con un pote o bote demás se hace una receta. Asi que si quieren hacer este cake les será muy fácil.
(El puré de castañas se vende igual que el de lúcuma, Jumbo, Lider,etc. me gusta la marca Guallarauco)
1 molde de cake de 18 cm
100 gramos de chocolate en barra
300 gramos puré de castañas (un pote)
200 gramos harina sin polvos de hornear
100 gramos de azúcar
3 huevos
150 gramos yogurt griego o natural
50 ml de aceite vegetal
50 ml de agua
2 cucharaditas de levadura en polvo
2 cucharadas de ron (optativo)
azúcar en polvo
crema o nata batida
Derretir el chocolate a baño maría y dejar enfriar.
Batir las claras con una pizca de sal hasta que estén firmes.
Aparte batir las yemas con el azúcar hasta que estén espumosas.
 Mezclar el aceite, el chocolate (derretido) y el yogurt.
 Mezclar el harina con la levadura,y finalmente unir todo con el puré de castañas, alternando con el agua, agregar el ron si se le va a colocar y añadir las
claras batidas a punto de nieve. 
Precalentar el horno a 170°c.
Vaciar la mezcla en el molde levemente enmantequillado, y hornear durante unos 50 minutos.
Probar con una brocheta de bambú si ya está listo, pero recordar que el cake de castañas DEBE tener algo de humedad (esa es la idea).
Retirar y dejar enfriar después espolvorear con azúcar en polvo antes de servir.
Se puede servir con crema batida si se quiere.


  1. Mmmm, looks delicious!!!!!
    xo Kris

  2. I have never eaten chesnuts before, but I have never met a nut that I haven't loved. Your cake looks beautiful and yummy!

    1. Dawn you have to try I think you would enjoy!

  3. Oohhh...that is beautiful! yummy!

  4. Gloria, This is a great looking cake! We've never had chestnuts in much of anything. Chestnut trees were wiped out by a blight in the USA many years ago so ours are imported. Recently we found some 'pickled' chestnuts...semi-sweet and we sliced them and paired them with a nice cheese as an appetizer. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave.

    1. what nice story I dont have idea you dont have chestnuts trees and now you have! We love them here David!

  5. Yummy , delicious and moist!! I like it!!

  6. I'm so glad to see chestnuts used in a delicious recipe. As much as I cook, I've never used chestnuts and never know quite what to do with them.

    1. Thanks Chris I love chestnuts récipe and maybe because my mom always cook with chestnuts!!

  7. Ciao Gloria, bella e sicuramente buonissima, cioccolato e castagne insieme stanno divinamente!!!
    Bacioni, felice domenica...

    1. Ely adoro la castagne e cioccolato, bacione cara !

  8. hey i would be down with that...the nuts go really well with chocolate as well....
    gives a nice mix of texture as well...

    1. yes Brian chestnuts arereally delicious with chocolate, thanks for stopping by!

  9. Yummy dear ~ Have a lovely weekend and don't work so hard ~


    1. Thanks Grace hope you DONT work so much!! LOL
      (Saturday always are hard here!)

  10. un gâteau parfait et délicieux
    bonne soirée

  11. This is a decadent cake!Love chestnuts!

  12. I love chestnut in desserts and your cake looks delicous!

  13. I love chocolate and chesnut together Gloria!
    Excellent cake! Baci! Roberta

  14. Trying to kill me times 2 today at your zoo lol

    1. Why? you dont eat chestnuts??
      I understand by the cake but chestnuts??

  15. I have chestnuts in the fridge but I do needy toast or boil them and pal them to make puree.

    1. Oh you have chestnuts Val?? I love them!! but how I old in my post normally I try to have frozen chestnut puree.

  16. Chocolate and chestnut sounds like a delicious combination!

  17. I have such fond memories of chestnut roasting, Gloria. My grandmother roasted chestnuts whenever she could get her hands on them. I think she may have even made a liqueur using chestnuts. I can't remember the name of it but I do remember how delicious it was:)

    Your Chestnut & Chocolate Cake sounds oh so good. Definitely a keeper:)

    Thank you so much for sharing this delicious looking recipe, Gloria...

    1. We love here chestnuts and especially chestnuts puree and I have to say this cake was easten soo fast! thanks to you Louise!

  18. Another cute header photo:-)
    And a delicious looking recipe Gloria..the rhum must add a kick:-)

    1. Thanks Monique you know I love to change the header sometimes!
      Yes the rhum was something special!

  19. Love the new header Gloria and that cake is calling my name. It looks gorgeously delicious, but then again, everything you make does! xxoo

    1. Marie I love chestnut too, so much! send you loads of love xoxoxox

  20. Love chestnuts! The cake looks really moist and tempting, Gloria.

    1. Thanks Angie this cake and other cupcakes I made were absolutely amazing and we love too chestnuts!!

  21. CHocolate and chestnut is an amazing combination - and this cake looks lovely.

  22. Looks delicious as always Gloria. Besosx

  23. Chocolat et châtaignes : une combinaison des plus gourmandes.
    J'aime beaucoup.
    A bientôt

  24. I used chestnut flour years ago when I got some as a gift, but I have never tried baking with chestnut puree. Your cake is beautiful!

  25. Thanks Inger really I love chestnut for bsking:)

  26. De esta aumento unas libritas. Tu veras! :-)

    Saludos desde Londres.

    1. Te verias igual debien Mario ademas con todo eso que andas en bici quemas todas las calorias:))

  27. I like chestnuts too, Gloria. Always use them in my stuffings and made a chestnut soup not long ago. Was thinking about chestnut ice cream too...
    This cake looks marvelous!

  28. Oh yes I think I would greatly enjoy this :)

  29. This cake is perfect with a cup of coffee.. looks wonderful, Gloria.

  30. This would be a big hit in my house!

  31. Acá ya comienza la época de castañas... Me gustan muchísimo y sobre todo aquí que las venden asadas en puestos de la calle. Sale un olor tan rico que es imposible resistirse.
    Tu cake debe estar maravilloso. Las fotos hablan por si solas.
    Un abrazo y feliz semana

    1. Acá nos encantan las castañas Nathy pero es difícil encontrar en Santiago, son más del sur y mi mamá me ha dicho que en España las venden como tú dices, me fascina el olor!

  32. your cake looks so soft and moist! fantastic combination of flavors, gloria!

  33. Such a pretty cake! I haven't cooked with chestnut but would love to.

  34. Hmmm, Dein Schokokuchen sieht zum anbeißen aus!

  35. Ciao, molto invitante la tua golosa torta, amo le castagne e trovo molto adatto l'abbinamento al cioccolato!!!

  36. Keep a slice for me, I am just popping over to try it out :-) Have a good day Diane

  37. Delicious flavours here and perfect for autumn and winter!

  38. Gloria, this torta looks delicious!! It has a very nice moist texture

    Have an awesome week.


  39. This looks fabulous Gloria! A classic combination.

  40. Que ideal con el puré de castañas :)
    Un saludito


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