I always love figs (that I was a child) and I was lucky to have my summer's holiday in the countryside, in the house of my uncle Miguel and his family who have a small farm with tomatoes, letuces,chilees, and plums tree, but the most big tree was a Figs tree, so nice with delicious figs, so always we eat them only how a fruit, sometimes we lunch and after we went to out and eat figs or others, we came from the city so he laughs of us because he gives us a piece of water melon and say, go out to eat the dessert, and you know the water melon how is, but now I thanks him all I learned with he and his family a lot of things and enjoy the simple life.
He had a little vineyard too, but is for other history, but only I say for first time I saw the bigs wood barrel where they place the juices' s grapes and they talk histories of people that had fall in the wood barrels.
The poppy seeds is more new for me, and I love them in desserts and barbarois, are so light and with good taste, I like so.
Ingredients to Fig's Jam
300 grs. fresh or dry figs (if are dry place them in hot water by one hour to moist, dry with a tower paper and will be ready)
1/2 cup of cold water
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1 teaspoonful of liquid vanilla
Ingredients Mousse poppy seeds
1/2 cup of milk
3 spoonful of liquid honey
2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin
400 grs. double cream
2 spoonful of caster sugar
3 tablespoonfuls of poppy seeds
Method to fig jam
Cut the figs in pieces and place them in a pot, add granulated sugar and 1/2 cup of water, stir and cook to medium heat by 10 minutes, until the mix is thicken how jam, add the vanilla and cook 5 minutes more and let chill.
Method Mousse poppy seeds
In a pot place the milk and the liquid honey, cook to medium heat, until to warm and take out of fire. Add the gelatin dissolved in a little of water, let chill and stir a while.
In a bowl beat the double cream and add the caster sugar until to begin to thicken, add slowly the mix of honey and gelatin, and incorporate the poppy seeds and stir well, place in a large mod (I use the mode of the bread) or in little pyrex individuals. Refrigerate by two hours or until to be firm to desmold.Over the mold put aluminum paper for while is in the refrigerator.
When you are going to serve put over the mousse the figs jam.
Ahora en español:
Mousse de de semillas de Amapolas con dulce de higos
300 grs. de higos frescos o secos (si son secos remojar una hora en agua caliente y despues secar.
1/taza de azúcar granulada
1 cucharada de vainilla
1/2 taza de agua fría
Mousse de semillas de Amapolas
1/2 taza de leche
3 cucharadas de miel
2 sobres en polvo de gelatina sin sabor
400 grs. de crema para batir
2 cucharadas de azúcar super fina (azùcar impalpable)
3 cucharadas de semillas de amapola
Para preparar el dulce de higos:
Cortar los higos en rodajas y colocar en una olla pequeña, agregar el azúcar granulada y la 1/2 taza de agua fría.Cocinar a fuego medio10 minutos hasta que la mezcla tenga consistencia de mermelada, agregar la vainilla, cocinar 5 minutos más y dejar enfriar.
Para preparar la Mousse en una olla coloque la leche y la miely cocine a fuego medio calentando la mezcla,luego apague el fuego.Agregue revolviendo la gelatina sin sabor disuelta en un poco de agua fría revolviendo hasta disolver bien.
En un bol aparte batir la crema con el azúcar fina hasta espesar y añada en forma de hilo la mezcla de miel, leche y gelatina, incorporar de a poco las semillas de amapola hasta integrar, refrigerar en un molde grande (yo uso el de pan alargado) o en moldes pyrex individuales y servir con la mermelada de higos. Refrigerar por 2 horas o hasta que esté firme para desmoldar.
Gloria, realmente admito que es uno de los mejores blogs de cocina que conozco, espero que siga teniendo el buen nivel de siempre!
Gloria, what a wondeful treat this would be. I could get figs a few weeks ago, but I have not seen them in the store lately. Your photos of them are lovely!
ReplyDeleteGracias cocinarg, realmente trabajo harto para presentar lo mejor, porque pienso que representa tambièn lo que somos. Tù blog yo lo encuentro super bueno de verdad!!! Gloria
ReplyDeleteDear Deb thanks, I hope you find figs, but remember you may make with dry figs too, and will be so nice.. xxxGloria
ReplyDeleteGloria, it sounds amazing, I love poppy seeds in everything. I used to buy poppy seed yogurt but they stop producing it.
ReplyDeleteCoffe and vainilla, really is so nice, the yogourt with poppy seeds is so yummy, but you may buy the natural and add the poppy seeds... and jam !!! Gloria
ReplyDeleteYum Yum!! Me encantan las brevas! Es algo que se consume mucho en Colombia. Que foto tan hermosa!
Paola yo casi no distingo entre higos y brevas, son todos exquisitos,pero te puedo decir que el postre es muy rico. Gracias Gloria
ReplyDeleteI love figs too! What a wonderful recipe!
ReplyDeleteYes I love figs too, is a yummy recipe!!!Gloria