11 September 2014

French onion soup (sopa de cebollas francesa)

This soup is absolutely wonderful. Of those I would be happy  do it again soon ... 
There are many variations of the onion soup but I loved this. 
In many recipes there are not one  recipe are variations of the same recipe. 
For me this was delicious. The amount of onions. The baguette bread. . cheese. Delicious...... 
Here though there sun  some  days is still really cold.. 
And elsewhere autumn approaches so this soup is perfect for everyone.

Source:" Cuisine française pour aujourd'hui"
Editorial Parragon books

Im sharing with Joyce of "Cook your books"

4 servings

85 grams of butter 
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 
500 grams of thinly sliced ​​onions 
1 teaspoon sugar 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1 1/2 tablespoon flour 
600 ml of hot broth (vegetable or other) 
4 tablespoons brandy 
salt and pepper 
130 grams of grated parmesan or gruyere cheese 
8 small slices of baguette 1 cm thick 
1 clove of garlic


Melt butter with oil in a medium or large  heavy saucepan 
Fry onion with sugar and salt to  heat  low. 

Cover saucepan  and sauté the onion for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Uncover and continue stirring a bit more but take care not to burn. 
Sprinkle over the flour and stir for about two minutes more. Add  hot  broth and cook over low heat 15 minutes 

Preheat oven to 180 ° c. 
Toast the bread for 1 to 2 minutes or until golden brown. 
Rub with garlic while hot and save. 

Add the brandy to the soup and season to taste with salt and pepper. 
Spread the slices of bread into the bowls in which it will serve. 
Pour soup and sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Leave the bowls with soup in the oven about 20 minutes or until cheese is browned and bubbly. 

Let stand a few minutes before serving.

Note: If you like you can add 100 g more of onions.
          You can use only 1 tablespoon of flour will be more light.


En español

Sopa de cebollas

Que tal una sopita para esos dias del 18 cuaqndo se espera el asado ?o puede ser despues si se quiere arreglar el cuerpo.
Cuando hago esta sopa sólo como eso y tomo una copa de vino.
Me encanta esta receta . De todas las que he probado es la que más me gusta y es deliciosa.
Como en muchas recetas hay muchas versiones esta me gusto por la cantidad de cebolla (hay unas que usan mucha) el queso y todo.
Quedó perfecta.
Ahora si alguien quiere puede agregar más cebolla (1 más) mis cebollas no eran grandes. Medianas.
Si no se tiene pan baguette se puede usar cualquier pan rústico.

Adaptada de mi libro  de recetas francesas.
"Recetas francesas para hoy"
Editorial Parragon books

(4 porciones)

85 g de mantequilla
2 cucharadas de aceite vegetal
500 gramos de cebollas en rodajas finas
1 cucharadita azucar
1/2 cucharadita de sal
1 1/2 cucharada de harina
600 ml de caldo caliente
(verduras o pollo)
4 cucharadas de brandy
sal y pimienta
125 gramos queso parmesano o gruyere rallado
8 rebanadas pequeñas de pan baguette
o pan rústico de 1 cm de espesor
1 diente de ajo partido por la mitad


Derretir la mantequilla con el aceite en una olla grande . Freir la cebolla con el azucar y la sal y bajar el fuego al mínimo.
Tapar la olla por un rato y rehogar  la cebolla por unos 20 .
minutos removiendo de vez en cuando para que se dore.
Destapar y seguir friendo y revolviendo tener cuidado de que no se queme.
Esparcir la harina por encima y seguir revolviendo. Agregar el caldo caliente y cocer la sopa a fuego lento a medio tapar.
Unos 15 minutos.
Precalentar el horno a 180°c.
Tostar el pan en el horno por unos dos minutos o hasta que se dore.
Darlo vuelta y tostar por el otro lado.
Frotar con el ajo mientras aún esta caliente y reservar.

Agregar el bandy a la sopa y sazonar con sal y pimienta.
Repartir las rebanadas de pan ya preparadas en kos cuencos que se va a servir.Verter la sopa y esparcir el queso rallado.
Llevar los cuencos al horno unos 20 minutos o hasta que el queso se dore y empieze a burbujear.
Dejar reposar unos minutos antes de servir.

Nota: El Lunes una nueva receta de Secret recipe Club y despues otra receta para estos dias de 18.
buen fin de semana.


  1. MMMM. Looks like a winner for the cold season.

  2. One of my favorite soups to make. Got more onions for it yesterday. Such a yummy yummy treat. With homemade bread, too. Yum, yum.

    1. Thanks Ivy. Is my favorite too!

    2. I also love to take little bits from the fridge and toss together a good soup. Then eat it for breakfast. Yummy.

    3. I did not get to make my onion soup this past weekend. But I did get another bag of onions for a good price at the market.

      And this weekend, poms for a buck each. I love good sales.

      Cheers to you, Gloria.

    4. I love when veggies are in good price but I have to wait when begin the spring all is really cost!
      But onions always are in good price!

  3. I like onions but not a fan of onion soup for some reason.

  4. Gloria, I have been thinking about French onion soup of late. Where I live it is starting to get quite cool, so this would perfect. Your soup looks wonderful.

    1. Thanks Dawn I hope you enjoyed really I love this!

  5. Gloria: I would LOVE to put a spoon into this soup right now. It is one of my favorites.


    1. Thanks Bonnie aw I love this cheese on the soup!:)

  6. Gloria, Cheese, butter, onions and broth...my wife would love this French Onion Soup! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. So yummy yummy soup with the best combination......... :)

  8. Looks delicious! I love all the ingredients used!

  9. Onion soup is so cheesy...I love yt!
    Un beso

  10. This looks sooooo good! One of my favourite soups too, Gloria. Melted cheese... so delicious. And brandy? Yes! Never would have thought to add that. Yum.

  11. Gloria, hi!!! I apologize It's a long time I do not come here in your house, but I've went away for the two summer month in the country in the north of Italy and I did not have any connection.... I'm here now!
    I love onions soup.... it's the right receipe for the autumn coming... Have a nice day!! Besitos

    1. Dont worry Patty, Im happy you are here again, Grazie!!
      un abbraccio!

  12. Looks like plenty of soup indeed at your feed

  13. Looks really delicious and packed full of flavours, Gloria.

  14. J'adore cette soupe , avec le fromage fondant !
    A real success !

  15. Oh wow, fabulous soup and so healthy too. Brava Gloria!

  16. Mi piacciono molto le cipolle, questa zuppa è tra le mie preferite.

  17. Love French Onion Soup ..and our weather is getting to that time!

  18. Hi Gloria,
    I love onion soup! And your bowl of soup looks delicious!
    Thanks for linking with CYB!

  19. HI Gloria!
    I just love this recipe! Marion has been requesting Onion Soup for the last couple of weeks but, I just didn't have the time to find just the right recipe. Looks like this one will be just perfect!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing, Gloria...plus, you saved me some time, lol...

    1. Thanks Louise I love this recipe!
      And hope you and Marion like this I hope to make again next week:)

  20. What a beautiful bowl full of delicious onion soup! It's actually soup weather here too!

    1. Thanks Susan, here is still cold too and rain some days!

  21. Love French onion soup, I can eat soup any time of the year, especially one like this.

    1. Thanks Cheri , yes I can eat soup all the year love them!

  22. I agree, it looks absolutely delicious, Gloria. I hope you got to eat it warm :)

  23. Yummy & comforting soup . Looks appetizing ;)

  24. onions and cheese... there's no better combination, Gloria Dear :)

  25. Mmmm...I can already taste this!
    Onions and cheese...utterly irresistible...:)

    Big Hugs xxx

  26. Looks fantastic Gloria ;) Besos.

  27. I've been telling myself I was going to make French onion soup for weeks and haven't done it. I'm determined to give it a go next week. I love this stuff!

    1. Aw Maureen I love this soup and I was thinking make tomorrow:)
      Here rain all day special for this soup:)

  28. This looks like a terrific recipe! We all love French onion soup at our house :)

  29. Never been a huge fan of French Onion Soup...but this just looks so tasty! I might have to try it.

  30. I love French Onion Soup. Great reminder that I need to make it again!

  31. Wonderful Gloria, could do with some of that right now . . . Eddie :)

    1. Thanks Eddie:)
      You arrive just in time still I have some soup!

    2. Aww !
      Gracias, querida amiga u
      You are most kind . . . . . Eddie :)

    3. Yes just in time!
      Tomorrow other recipe of Scret Recipe Club

  32. Your soup looks fantastic, Gloria! One of my sons has been after me to make the soup and now you have inspired me. Thanks for the recipe and have a great day!

  33. French Onion Soup is one of my favourites. A little time-consuming, but I always love it - and so does my family!

  34. J'affectionne terriblement cette soupe!! Bonne semaine Gloria ;) xxx

    1. aw Merci beaucoup Lexibule
      Oui Je aime beaucoup vette soup:)

  35. This is one of my favorite soup, a great comfort food ! nave a good week Gloria, un abbraccio !

  36. It may be unusual, but the only way I've ever had French Onion soup is in things I'm using it to cook with! I've never tried it by itself.

  37. Hands down this is my favorite soup in all the land. I've always loved it and when I grew up, I added loads and loads of paprika - delicious!! Hugs to you and yours Gloria xoxoxo

  38. Perfect for autumn ~ Thanks Gloria ~

  39. Me encanta la receta!! tomo nota. Besos


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