I know people love chocolate and others dont like, personally I enjoy more chocolate in bakes , desserts or cakes than pure chocolate bars.
But my son can eat all the chocolate he find(lol) when the other day Esperanza decorated the little pumpkin cakes to Halloween she bring him the little pot to eat the remainded chocolate and he was soo happy!
Anyway this chocolate cake is specially delight because have orange juice in the sauce.
I love the combo, orange/chocolate!!!
This recipe is adapted from Country living.com
(and only have 290 calories by a normal slice! lol) I said normal!
Others chocolate recipe have a lot of more.
Ingredients (12 servings)
Butter for greasing pan and parchment
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 2/3 cups granulated sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 1/2 baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt
3 large whites
1 cup low fat buttermilk
(I used plain greek yogurt)
2/3 cup applesauce or boiled and mashed apples
2 tablespoon canola oil or sunflower oil
1 non fat cream cheese softened
1 cup confectioners sugar
1/2 cup orange juice
Preheat oven at 190° c
Butter a non stick cake pan (about 24 cm.) Cut and butter a circle of parchment to fit into bottom pan.Set pan aside.
In a large bowl sift flour, sugar, 1/2 cup of cocoa, baking soda and salt, set aside.
In a medium bowl beat eggs white until glossy and soft peaks form.
Using a rubber spatula stir buttermilk, applesauce and oil into flour mixtureuntil combined
and batter is smooth.
Fold eggs white into batter and transfer to prepared pan .
Bake cake with rack set in the middle until a toohpick inserted into center tests clean, 40 to 45 minutes.
Transfer pan to a wire rack and let cool by 20 minutes.Invert cake and let cool completely.
Meanwhile in a medium bowl beat together cream cheese, confectioner's sugar and 1/2 cup of cocoa.
In a medium pot over medium high heat, bring juice to a boil to cook until reduce, two or three minutes.
Add juice to cocoa mixture and stir until combined and the consistency of molases .
Slice cake and spoon sauce over each slice and serve.
Im sharing with

print recipe here
Cake de chocolate con salsa de chocolate y naranja
La mayoría de la gente que conozco ama el chocolate pero otros no (y es normal no a todos nos gusta lo mismo) personalmente me gusta más en recetas como cakes, postres etc
Pero mi hijo adora el chocolate , el otro día cuando con la Esperanza hicimos las calabacitas cakes ella ocupó un poco de chocolate derretido para los ojitos y boca.Cuando terminó (le quedaba un poco) se lo llevó a Gerardo ni siquiera me dijo.
Es que los mellizos se conocen muy bien entre sí (por eso se aman y se odian a veces)
El otro feliz en elcomputador comiendose los restos de chocolate.
En todo caso este cake de chocolate es muy bueno, y en la salsa lleva jugo de naranja.
la combinación chocolate y jugo de naranja es muy buena. Esta receta está adaptada de una de
Country living.com
(es una receta que solo lleva 290 calorias por tajada normal) Normalmente las cosas con chocolate llevan mantequilla o crema en la salsa esta no.)
Ingredientes (12 porciones)
Mantequilla solo para engrasar el molde
y papel mantequilla
1 3/4 taza de harina sin polvos de hornear
1 2/3 taza de azúcar granulada
1 taza de cocoa en polvo sin azúcar
2 1/2 cucharaditas de bicarbonato de soda
1/2 cucharadita de sal
3 claras de huevo
1 taza de buttermilk o yogurt normal sin grasa
2/3 taza de compota de manzana
o un puré de manzanas cocidas
2 cucharadas de aceite de maiz o de maravilla
1 queso crema bajo en grasas
1 taza de azúcar glass o en polvo
1/2 taza de jugo de naranja
Precalentar el horno a 190°c
Enmantequillar un molde redondo de unos 24 o 26 cm. y cubrir con un círculo de papel mantequilla.
En un bol mezclar la harina, bicarbonato de soda,sal, azúcar y 1/2 taza de cocoa en polvo.
En un bol mediano batir las claras a punto de merengue hasta que esten firmes y brillantes.
Con una espátula agregar el buttermilk o el yogurt sin sabor, salsa de manzana y aceite a la mezcla de harina. Combinar hasta que la mezcla tenga una consistencia cremosa.
Agregar las claras ya batidas firmes a la mezcla de harina .
Vaciar esta mezcla en el molde cake ya preparado.
Hornear el cake sobre el rack en la mitad del horno.por unos 40 a 45 minutos hasta que al insertar un mondadientes salga limpio y seco.
Retirar y dejar enfriar por unos 20 minutos.
Dar vuelta el cake sobre un plato y reservar.
Por mientras en otro bol mezclar la crema de queso, el azúcar glass o en polvo, y 1/2 taza de cocoa en polvo.
En una olla pequeña calentar el jugo de naranja unos dos minutos hasta que se reduzca un poco.
Agregar el jugo de naranjas a la mezcla de queso crema y chocolate e incorporar bien hasta que quede una mezcla cremosa y suave.
Cortar el cake en trozos y agregar la salsa de chocolate al servir.
Oh, Gloria, this looks fabulous! This is exactly what my husband dreams of...chocolate cake with chocolate icing! Lovely cake, my friend~
ReplyDeleteGloria se me hizo agua la boca de ver ese chocolate chorriante jajaja! Esto hay que probarlo.
ReplyDeletepd: te deje algo en mi blog
I am a chocolae addict and how i wish I could grab atleas 2 of those super delicous looking pieces.
ReplyDeleteGloria: I love chocolate and orange together. Your recipe looks delicious--all that drippy chocolate!
ReplyDeleteI'm having fun catching up on blogging after my vacation.
Chocolate cake is my favorit. Looks so yummy!
ReplyDeleteEso es una tentación, entiendo absolutamente a tu hijo, jeje.
Gloria this is so delicious...I love the melted chocolate on the top.
ReplyDeleteUn beso
Adoro el chocolate! te ha quedado una presentación estupenda, se come sola!!!
ReplyDeleteLa salsa seguro que no se queda atrás.
Riquisimo lo pongo en mis notas felicidades y un beso.
ReplyDeletewow is delicious!
ReplyDeleteThis looks gorgeous Gloria! I love chocolate in all its forms.
ReplyDeleteI'll take chocolate under any guise - but this cake looks so utterly delicious, it brings it to another level.
ReplyDeleteQue pastel tan interesante y delicioso.
Bueno este queque sin mantequilla hay que hacerlo altiro!!
ReplyDeleteTengo una duda, cuantos gramos de queso crema tiene el paquete? ya sabes que en cada lugar es diferente, aqui suelen tener 200 grs.
No se porque me salio el comentario con mi nombre y no con el del blog, esto se ha vuelto loco, a ver ahora.
Gloria, your recipes are so tempting!
ReplyDeleteGloria amiga! es que el chocolate y la naranja se llevan de lo mejor encuentro yo, qué cosa más rica has hecho hoy, no puedo creer que salgan tantas delicias de tu cocina:) besitos
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Lizzy what nic eyou are, gloria
ReplyDeleteGracias Mury, x gloria
Well happy cook you are thin (lol) you can eat two pieces, he, gloria
Thanks a lot Bonnie, gloria
Thanks for dessert, gloria
Pamela es que el Dito muere por el chocolate, gloria
Thanks Manu, is the best, xgloria
Gracias Lorena hoy te visité me encantó tu blog, gloria
Gracias Doris, besos
Thanks a lot gloria,lol gloria
Thanks Miss Baker, gloria
Thanks so much Brownie girl, gloria
Gracias José Manuel, cariños, gloria
Gracias Tere, te contesté en tu blog. besos
Thanks so much Anna, gloria
Gracias Pamela, y tú si haces cosas maravillosas y deliciosas, besos amiga, gloria
I love chocolate cake and this looks really delicious especially with the sauce flowing down and the raspberries... yum!
ReplyDeleteThanks Baking, gloria
ReplyDeleteLooks absolutely delicious, but since I'm diabetic... *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI know Silver thanks for stopping by but this recipe could make to diabetics too! x gloria
ReplyDeleteOooh, I like that!
ReplyDeleteGloria, coincido exactamente con el comentario de Pamela! Conozco trillizos, grandes ya, que de pequeños habían desarrollado un lenguaje entre ellos, y sólo se entendían y comunicaban entre sí.
Impresionante! Qué rico, me encanta lo jugosísimo que se ve! Y hasta las calorías nos pones!
ReplyDeleteQué lindo para una madre ver esa complicidad de sus hijos. Me ha encantado la anécdota de cómo la Espe le llevaba a Gerardo el chocolate. Genial!
Besooooos, amiga!
Me encanta la combinación chocolate/naranja y con el toque de las raspberries, fabuloso! Un beso!
ReplyDeletehablamos soon!
Oh man, that looks so good!! and orange sauce is the best choice...
ReplyDeleteTake care
Oh my, I am so craving for a slice. Hmmm.... slurp.... thanks for the recipe & hope you're having a great day.
Yo también adoro el chocolate y este cake es delicioso!! me encanta todo lo que lleva, muy original la compota de manzana y la salsa con naranja, ¡que rica!. Besos.
ReplyDeletehi gloria, ooooooooooooooooooooo this looks so delicious! i wish i can bake this so beautifully like you did-
ReplyDeletei still want to try this and bookmarked with many thanks. have a nice day and a great weekend
That looks wonderful Gloria! I adore chocolate. Todd doesn't, but I make him suffer once in a while by making something chocolatey to eat! Love you! xxoo
ReplyDeleteRiquisimo tu pastel!!!!!!!
Wow, moderately healthy chocolate cake? Let me at it!
ReplyDeleteThis is lovely. I like chocolatey desserts because they make u happy. They are happy food! Hehe... Xx
ReplyDeleteYour chocolate cake looks so sinfully delicious! Love the combination of choc and orange! Lovely!
ReplyDeleteSe ve mortal y eso que no me gusta el chocolate.
Que rico tener una receta de biscocho de chocolate mas sana!, se ve muy mojadito además, me tinco.
ReplyDeleteGloria, this is sinfully delicious looking!
ReplyDeleteJ'en aurais bien besoin pour reprendre des force!!! Miam! Il est décadent et j'adore! Caro
ReplyDeleteYummy! I love chocolate and this looks amazing, Gloria! I like orange and chocolate combined, too..it's a very nice combination. That sauce looks so thick and delicious! I could have a piece of that for breakfast wtih my coffee right now! :)
ReplyDeleteMi Gloria, que graciosa eres!!...solo lleva 290 calorías por tajada normal??....pero acaso crees que con la pinta que tiene una podría conformarse con una tajada normal??? :)
ReplyDeleteadoro los pasteles de choco, y si llevan naranja, adoro aún más!!!!!!....este es de los que he de probar amiga!
y en cuanto a lo de la complicidad entre mellizos..es normal no??? y que lindo ver eso!!!:)
te deseo un feliz, feliz fin de semana amiguilla!!!!!!!!
Luscious looking blog you write! I enjoy new recipes so will keep an eye on your delightful selections.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for visiting my blogs and leaving your comments.
What an amazingly delicious looking cake - so moist and full of flavor - the glaze looks SOOOO good - thank you for a wonderful recipe!
ReplyDeletemary x
I love chocolate cake but I have to be hungry to really enjoy it, or I tend to get over choc satiated. I think I like hot apple pie and icecream best :-}
Gloria this looks amazing. I love chocolate cake, this one is perfect.
ReplyDeleteOh my, that looks wonderful! I do love chocolate :)
ReplyDeleteAnother post with yummy chocolate cake...:)!! I wish you could bake me some cakes too, Gloria, your dessert always looks fantastic!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely creation. It looks and sounds delicious and I'd love to have a piece of it. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
ReplyDeleteQue maravilla de queque! y con frambuesas, nada mejor....ya se me hizo agua la boca! ahora más que nunca porque ando toda "chocolatada"! cariños!
ReplyDeleteDear Gloria, Chocolate is my weakness. I love chocolate. I too like chocolate with orange. I would not eat a normal slice! I would have a big slice! Blessings my friend, Catherine xo
ReplyDeleteCiao Gloria! This looks truly decadent and delicious! Brava!!
oh, i love the chocolate-orange combination, and it doesn't get used nearly often enough. this is fabulous, gloria!
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I could eat this whole cake all on my own :) Diane
ReplyDeleteHola Gloria :) Lovely dessert, I would so much love a piece right now!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend.
Who can say no to this tempting chocolate cake?
ReplyDeleteThankks to all of you dearies by your lovely comments, I appreciate and read all!!lol
ReplyDelete(Sometimes when Im tired of blogging I think in all the lovely persona I have knwe and carry on..)
Wow, Gloria! This is the ultimate chocoholic's dream cake :D I love your shiny chocolate sauce and the addition of orange sounds great!
ReplyDeleteThanks Catalina I enjoyed your blog,xx gloria
ReplyDeleteThis looks amazing-LOVE chocolate and orange, wish I had a piece now!
ReplyDeleteYour header is beautiful:@)
Thanks happier than a pig! gloria
ReplyDeleteLovely recipe. I like how the apple sauce in the batter keeps the fat and sugar content down
ReplyDeleteGloria: I love chocolate and orange together. Your recipe looks delicious--all that drippy chocolate!
ReplyDeleteI'm having fun catching up on blogging after my vacation.
That cake looks delicious, but I espiecaily like the sound of your orange cheese chocolate sauce - yum!
ReplyDeleteI could never turn down a delicious piece of chocolate cake Gloria, and not sure if I could stop at one piece either.
ReplyDeleteDelicious - particularly that thick, glossy sauce!
ReplyDeleteWOW! What a BEAUTIFUL cake and STUNNING photos too.......I LOVE this recipe Gloria!
I just had to come back for a slice of chocolate cake, Gloria! It looks heavenly. I love the ingredients. I'm sure the apple/applesauce is one of the reasons for the "low" calories. Does that mean I can have too slices???
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing...
What a gorgeous and rich delight this cake is...I also love chocolate and orange combinations :) This is perfect!
ReplyDeleteWhat a stunning, rich & pretty chocolate cake!
Gloria, this cake looks fantastic! Chocolate cake and icing - sounds like chocolate heaven!
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful cake, Gloria, and it sounds so lovely and moist. I really like the combination of chocolate and orange. Thank you for sharing it with Let's Do Brunch.
ReplyDeleteHi Gloria,
ReplyDeleteI just love coming to your place, you always have such wonderful desserts. Your Chocolate and Orange combination is wonderful and I can't wait to taste this great cake. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great day and come back soon!
Miz Helen
This looks GORGEOUS!
ReplyDeleteJazz xo