Hello guys, here other recipe that I think is very delicious if you like dulce de leche or caramel, is from Perù and is very famous, is Suspiro Limeño and many years ago I learned with a cook teacher that has lived many years in Perù I think is the best recipe that I know,
I'm really passionate by investigate recipes from many parts of the world specially from my country and othee american countries.
. I hope you enjoy. For the savoy guys don't worry I will put savoy recipes soon .
1 tin condensed milk
1 tin evaporated milk
5 eggs
240 grs. granulated sugar
Port wine (oporto)
Cinnamon powder
In a sauce pot put the two milks tins, and boil to slow heat mixing all the time with a woodspoon to begin turn in caramel or dulce de leche (beige colour).
Put the fire out and add the yellow eggs (whipped before) and mixed well with the woodspoon again and luke warm for a while and put this mix in wine glass or desserts dishes and reserve.
In other pot put the sugar and cover with the port wine (125 ml aprox) and put to the heat and wait to boil until begin to thicken. And this mix to the white eggs whipped (how meringue) and beat to chill. Garnish the dessert with the merengue and podwer with cinammon.
Let them to the refrigerator until to serve.
I'm really passionate by investigate recipes from many parts of the world specially from my country and othee american countries.
. I hope you enjoy. For the savoy guys don't worry I will put savoy recipes soon .
1 tin condensed milk
1 tin evaporated milk
5 eggs
240 grs. granulated sugar
Port wine (oporto)
Cinnamon powder
In a sauce pot put the two milks tins, and boil to slow heat mixing all the time with a woodspoon to begin turn in caramel or dulce de leche (beige colour).
Put the fire out and add the yellow eggs (whipped before) and mixed well with the woodspoon again and luke warm for a while and put this mix in wine glass or desserts dishes and reserve.
In other pot put the sugar and cover with the port wine (125 ml aprox) and put to the heat and wait to boil until begin to thicken. And this mix to the white eggs whipped (how meringue) and beat to chill. Garnish the dessert with the merengue and podwer with cinammon.
Let them to the refrigerator until to serve.
That looks amazing Canela. Is the port wine red or white? Could I use marsala wine or a light sherry instead. I'll have to give it a go sometime in the future. I can say it is an authentic recipe from South America. Keep posting those yummy recipes - I will be popping back now & then :)xx Cupcake
ReplyDeleteIs the port wine red dear cupcake, I think you can use the marsala wine too, but the taste of port wine is soo good for this dessert (is one of my favorites) Thanks xxxxGloria/Canela
ReplyDeleteDelicious, fantastic.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rosa, I think is a delicious dessert, always asking me for some parties and weddings, only we have to have a little patience for the first part at to begin thiken. Gloria
ReplyDeleteThank you Canela. I look forward to trying this dessert in the future with red port wine. Maybe around christmas time when there's port in the house. Big hugs xx:) Cupcake
ReplyDeleteGracias por pasar Gloria, me alegra que te haya gustado mi página. Espero verte seguido por allí!
ReplyDeleteUn saludo!
PD: Me gusta mucho que lo hayas hecho en ingles.
Se ve muy sabroso, se agradece la receta, aunque esté en inglés...
ReplyDeletesalu2 cordiales
Cocinarg gracia, ya te dije que me encantò tu blog,Gracias por venir.
ReplyDeletePunto Crìtico ya les dije que no tengo problemas de poner la receta en español, de hecho el original es asì, lo que pasa que la mayorìa de los sitios con que me conecto son en inglès, aunque ahora `tltimo estoy visitando tambièn otros de habla española.Gloria
Punto Crìtico, fui a tu Blog y me gustò, muy interesante, gracias por venir. Cariños Gloria
ReplyDeleteGracias por pasarte por mi blog. Ahora que he descubierto el tuyo, me pasaré a menudo
Gracias Marta, me gustan tus recetas y me rìo mucho con las cosas que dices. cariños Gloria
ReplyDeleteEspectaculaaaar! Sencillamente SUBLIME! FELICIDADES POR EL BLOG
Gracias Cristina, fui a tu blog y me encantò.Teng que ir con tiempo para traducir las recetas pero tù tienes ahì mismo el traductor. cariños Gloria
ReplyDeleteCette recette me tente beaucoup je la mets dans mes favoris ! merci ! bises !
ReplyDeleteGuylane, welcome Is a so nice and delicious recipe, I love this dessert, xxxxxx Gloria
ReplyDeleteИнтересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
ReplyDeleteThis version looks delicious too. :-)